The Mathematics Of Gourmet Coffee

When is the sum of four equal to one and its quotient is approximately sixty? On the other hand, the product of one can be a multiple of "X" which brings us to the common denominator, and that is great tasting gourmet coffee.
This equation can be further illustrated by using a real life example. Imagine this scenario--you visit your favorite coffee bar and purchase your favorite beverage from them. With your cup of java in hand, you head back home and settle comfortably in your ergonomic chair, ready to navigate the information superhighway.
The aroma and steam still swirling out of your cup, you are inspired to visit a few sites selling gourmet coffee products. All the products look good, prices vary by a few dollars and cents on specific roasts and flavors. Then your attention returns to the cup of coffee you just took home and you realize that the price of about four cups can buy you one whole bag of gourmet coffee, weighing one pound each, from these online vendors. Something is amiss here.
So how many cups of coffee can one bag make? Further research reveals more startling information for you. The information varies from one site to another, but the gist of it is that a one-pound bag of coffee can produce anywhere from 32 to 60 cups of coffee, depending on whether you like your coffee strong or not, so it boils down to taste. Holy mackarel! Sixty cups of coffee for the price of four visits to the coffee bar, I love math!
Consider further that if you visit a coffee bar once a week with a basic expenditure of US$4.00, you would have spent US$208.00 in a year. That equates to about fourteen bags of moderately priced premium coffee already. Freshly brewed at home even. Compare that to some coffee houses that keep their coffee pots heated on a warmer--a practice that causes bitterness after about an hour.
You take that final sip of coffe that you took home earlier then crush the paper cup with just a little more conviction, somewhat furious at yourself for throwing all that good money away. Don't be so hard on yourself. It is nice to visit a coffee house once in a while for social purposes, not to mention for some juicy gossip. But then, five visits missed and you could have bought a decent personal coffee maker. Sigh.
Clear your head of all the heavy thoughts now and review your math. Refer back to the first paragraph--the sum of four cups of coffee at your favorite coffee house equals one bag of premium gourmet coffee. Divide that one bag up and you get approximately sixty cups of coffee. On the other hand, multiply that one bag by the very least number of times you visit a coffee bar plus how much you spend, and based on our example, you get fourteen bags. Those fourteen bags will provide you with 840 cups of coffee, enough to keep you on your toes for two years, three months and a few long days.
Out of those fourteen bags of coffee, you certainly would want to tickle your palate by buying different flavors, roasts, and perhaps some syrup and sauces. Regardless of flavor and everything else being constant, the common denominator is still great tasting gourmet coffee.
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